

Immune Strategies for Cancer Treatment

In the search for innovative and effective ways to target cancer, we are faced with more than just a challenging problem; we are faced with our own cells as opponents. Cancer cells evolve to achieve an optimum of physical fitness, giving them an array of abilities that no cell should possess in a healthy organism. One way to find novel therapies against cancer…

Focal Molography, A Guide Inside Cellular Pathways

There are billions of cells in our bodies, each with their own characteristics and functions. To function together, cells need to communicate; during the evolution of multi-cellular organisms, cells have developed communication systems of exceptional complexity. These systems govern every level of communication, and together they dictate cell function…

Current Challenges in CGT Manufacturing

Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) have gained increasing traction over recent years, as they address significant unmet clinical needs such as cancer therapies and rare genetic diseases. The hope for CGTs is that they not only become novel therapies for diseases with little to no treatment options, but also that they become curative, enabling replacement of life-long treatments of chronic conditions.

Focal Molography in a Pandemic

After over a year and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and is showing no signs of slowing down. It has proven that despite the development of our world on all fronts, we were ill-equipped to handle a pandemic. Somehow, it feels as though we have been one step behind the SARS-CoV-2 virus since the beginning. Although our battle with the virus isn’t over yet, there is a light at the end of the tunnel

The Molecular Detective

SARS-Cov-2 is not the only virus responsible for a pandemic this century; the human immunodeficiency virus, more commonly known as HIV, is another. Unlike SARS-Cov-2 however, HIV infection cannot be cured; transmission is irreversible.

An Introduction to Focal Molography

Although SPR offers many advantages in biosensing, its potential is hampered by one key factor: environmental noise. Has any biosensor ever overcome this challenge? A novel technology, known as focal molography, is emerging as a contender in noise-free biosensing.

The Big Con of SPR – And How to Solve it

Understanding the environmental noise problem encountered and the high measurement precision needed in with surface plasmon resonance (and all refractometric biosensors) requires fundamental knowledge not only of how the desired binding signal is acquired in this technique, but also why we detect changes (noise) we are not interested in measuring.

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